
Frequently Asked Questions

Online Store FAQ

I am having problems connecting to the site
Try connecting to another website. If you can't, call your Internet Service Provider for assistance. If you are able to connect to other websites but not, please check that you are typing in the correct address:
Please also ensure that you are not clicking on an out-of-date bookmark or favourite.

I am having problems adding / subtracting items from my basket

If you are having problems adding or removing items from your basket we would advise you to delete your temporary internet files / Cache. For more information on how to do this, please consult your web browser help.

I have forgotten my password
Please click the forgotten password link below the sign-in screen and follow the on-screen instructions. A password will be mailed to you.

My PC or Internet crashed whilst I was placing an order
Please check under my previous orders, if the order is listed there, it was placed successfully. If it is not there, the system will remember your last shopping basket. Simply go to your basket and place the order again.

I am having problems signing in to my account. I receive the error "Sorry, but we couldn't sign you in"
If you have changed your email address recently then you may need to update your account details. Please contact Customer Services on 01 – 5229212 or they will be pleased to assist you in this. If you haven’t changed your email address and you are using the correct password, please contact Customer Services and they will assist you.

When I try to sign in I get returned to the same page
When this happens you will need to verify that your browser is accepting cookies. To checkthis in Internet Explorer on Windows simply select the tools option from your web browser. Then select Internet options, go to the button called privacy, and ensure that your setting is set to 'Medium'

Technical requirements to use the Musgrave MarketPlace Online Store, you will need one of the following browser versions or higher:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and above
• Opera 8.5
• AOL 9.O
• Firefox 1.5
• Chrome

You will also need your browser to be enabled to use both JavaScript and cookies.
All our web pages are designed with an 800x600 screen resolution in mind.

Can Musgrave ‘take over’ an order and help me?
Due to security considerations, we cannot complete the order for you. If you are getting an error message, please call Customer Services with the details of the error message. Please refer to the Site user guide for assistance in placing an order.

I’ve logged in and I can’t see any previous orders when I click on that link
If you have more than one account Online (e.g. for tobacco and grocery purchases, or in different branches) please check that you are logged into the correct account. If you still cannot see your previous orders please call Customer Services.

What is the policy around getting a barcode scanner?
Barcode scanners are available free of charge to customers who spend €500 or more per week (excluding tobacco). If you are interested in getting a barcode scanner please contact Customer Services or your Musgrave representative.

What if my scanner breaks / stops working?
Your scanner may need to be recharged – to check, plug it into the USB port of a plugged in computer, while remembering (like any electrical device) not to leave it charging unattended for an extended period. If it still does not work, please contact Customer Services on 01 – 5229212 or email . Please note that the barcode scanner has a one year warranty.

I can't find the file to upload my scanner order
Click on the browse button in the Upload Orders page. Click on your C: drive and select the “Web” folder. The file will be automatically saved in this folder and called “barcodes.prn”. Highlight this file and press Open.

Products I scanned are appearing as "not available"

This error message occurs because the product that has been scanned has never been listed on the Musgrave MarketPlace Online Store. To help identify these lines, search for the EAN code on your search engine of choice.

What is the policy around substitutes?
Where a product is unavailable we will pick an equivalent substitute product unless you ask not toreceive substitutes. If you are currently receiving substitutes and wish not to, please contact Customer Services.

I can't find medicinal products online

We are currently unable to sell medicinal products online due to regulatory reasons but they will be available to order online from September. Only customers who are eligible to buy them from a wholesaler will be able to purchase these lines.